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Replacing Planned Parenthood: People of the Revolution Arise!

What does “running toward the cries of injustice” look like? How do we define it? How do we explain it?  Let’s be honest, there aren’t any videos or manuals out there that say, “This is how we run toward injustice!” 

However, I think God has given us something far better than books or videos to inspire us to stand against injustice and embrace human rights for all.  He has surrounded us with a “cloud of witnesses” that have gone before us showing us the way through their lives, sacrifice, and commitment.

As the bright beam of the lighthouse guides ships through dark and troubled waters, these flesh and blood prophetic witnesses point the way for us in difficult times to embrace the heart of God for justice in our generation.

One of those prophetic witnesses is Brandi Swindell, the Founder and CEO of Stanton Healthcare.

As a 20-something from Boise, Idaho, Brandi was moved with a powerful and incredible thought: to replace Planned Parenthood!  Brandi knew that if the pro-life community was to replace Planned Parenthood, we would need our own women's clinics.

This truly was a “David versus Goliath” struggle.  Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the world, performing over 334,000 abortions a year in America - 915 a day.  They have over $1,000,000,000 in assets, receive $540,000,000 in taxpayer funds and make over $130,000,000 in profits annually from their abortion business.

However, just as David ran to meet Goliath, Brandi “ran” to replace Planned Parenthood with life affirming women’s clinics which provide quality medical care for women and their children.

It is important to note that when Brandi began this journey she didn’t have a full time job, a place to live, money, or a car.  Like David, who just had his sling and 5 stones, Brandi surrendered her heart to God and said, “I give my life to You Lord, use me as You will.”  Also like David, Brandi was fearless, full of faith and courage.

Let’s fast forward to the present.  Today, Stanton Healthcare owns a state-of-the-art clinic located next door to a Planned Parenthood in Boise, Idaho and sees as many as 19 clients a day.  They have a 38 foot mobile clinic that reaches out with compassion and love to under-served women in Idaho and refugee communities. Stanton has $1,000,000 in assets with no debt and of course all their services are free.

They just bought a piece of property next to a Planned Parenthood mega abortion clinic in Meridian, Idaho and plan to build a women’s clinic that will serve as a national model for the pro-life community.  This amazing facility will have computer labs for the girls, classrooms, a baby boutique and wellness center.  Brandi has also launched an affiliate program which is opening Stanton clinics all across America and around the world.  

For her work, Brandi has travelled all around the world speaking out for justice in places like China, Australia, Europe and in the United States Capitol.  She has also been featured prominently in the national news and on television and radio.  She will not rest until Planned Parenthood is replaced and all women and their children are treated with dignity and respect.

It must be remembered, Brandi’s story did not begin with great fanfare, acclaim or applause.  It simply started when a 20 something year old girl purposed in her heart to “run toward the cries of injustice!”

Meet Brandi and learn how to run toward the cries of injustice like she did at the International ProLife Youth Conference November 7-9th!