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Athena’s eyes began to tear up as I spoke.

Athena’s eyes began to tear up as I spoke. "No one ever told me. I felt guilty, but I was never sure why. I just can't believe I killed my baby."

By Samuel Riley

A young high school student approached me: “My mom always told me it was awful to use as a contraceptive, but what about rape?" I told her that the baby shouldn't be punished for something the dad did and she agreed that abortion is always wrong.

She went and sat on the curb.  She came back about ten minutes later and introduced herself.

"My name's Athena."

"I'm Sam, nice to meet you."

"I have to ask you something. Is Plan B abortion?"

"Well, it can be, if you're really pregnant,” I explained. “When someone takes Plan B, they do it assuming they are. If you are pregnant, it kills the embryo which has its own unique genetic code."

Athena’s eyes began to tear up as I spoke. "No one ever told me. I felt guilty, but I was never sure why. I just can't believe I killed my baby."

I told her that her feeling of guilt came from God’s law and told her about His forgiveness. I encouraged her to use this experience to help her friends avoid the same tragedy. She understood and agreed, and wished that she had been informed sooner.

Athena’s case is one of many. High schoolers are fed the lie that sex has no consequences and that they can use abortion to solve their problems, not realizing that it will leave them as childless parents ridden with guilt. We need to end abortion and this hyper-sexualized culture for Athena’s sake and all the people who have been lied to. And most importantly, for the babies who have been casualties of this lie.