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The Challenge: Prayerfully exercise your faith in front of an abortion clinic for 1 hour even where stay at home orders exist. 

Faithful Service Alert:  Our state and local governments have deemed churches and the exercise of our faith to be non-essential services.  Maybe our church buildings are not essential but “the holy universal church”, the body of believers, and the services we provide to our communities are absolutely essential!   

Now the same governments who rule that churches are nonessential have deemed abortion services essential ... 

And, as in the case of Greensboro, NC and San Francisco, CA deserving of police protection by arresting or citing those trying to rescue children.

While we are being told to shelter in place, the most loving thing we can do for our preborn neighbors is to go out and shelter those little lives scheduled to die today.

We must stand against this government tyranny.  The rescuer in front of that abortion clinic is offering hope and help.  They are providing needed social services to those young women going in to kill their child.  Do they need housing? Food? Clothes for herself and her baby? Someone to adopt and care for her child?  Do they need the good news of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life?

Our government is not our highest authority and does not have the power to relegate the Church to a non-essential role.  God has made loving our neighbor as THE essential role of our lives. Therefore since the government has declared the abortion clinic essential it is there that we will exercise our faith.

So, today Survivors is issuing a #CovidChallenge.

There are two ways to participate in this #CovidChallenge.  

First, go to your local killing center and pray for those scheduled to die.  We suggest you go out in pairs when possible, instead of alone, and have a sign as simple as Pastor Walter Hoye’s sign: “Jesus loves you and your baby.”  Your faithful presence at the killing center is what is important.

If you are bold enough to sidewalk counsel that would be wonderful.  Hand out literature with something like a short pole with a clothespin.  Be imaginative.

Follow all COVID-19 guidelines regarding social distancing and face masks if your city requires them.

But do not stay at home.  We are the body of Christ and we must rescue those unjustly scheduled to die.

More people have been killed this month by Planned Parenthood than have died by COVID-19.  We must demonstrate our Christianity publicly by saving lives, helping the most helpless and providing the social service our faith requires of us.  

Secondly, call your local city and county governments and call on them to close the abortion clinics that are killing children and performing elective surgeries that waste much needed medical protective supplies, thereby endangering our communities. Urge your state governor to ban elective abortions during this crisis.

So, please, go out as soon as possible!  Upload a picture with the #CovidChallenge to Facebook/Twitter/Instagram or email it to me Jeff@Survivors.LA and I will upload it for you.

Be courageous, be polite and respectful if the police arrive.  We have included a short cheat sheet with suggested responses should the police be called by Planned Parenthood.

God bless you as you pick up this #CovidChallenge and speak up for those children who will die today.

For faith and freedom,

Instructions and suggestions below given by our attorneys for your guidance:

I am . . . 

  • Following all local and national guidelines.

  • Providing an essential social service by offering tangible resources to those in crisis.

  • Exercising my First Amendment right to freedom of speech in a manner that  does not violate CDC? guidelines.

  • Exercising my religious freedom and obligations of conscience based on my religious faith.

Discussion points:

  • Point out to officers any other persons in cars and on the street.  What are they doing? Why are they not being confronted? Is this viewpoint discrimination?

  • Remind the officer that you are social distancing and using all protective measures.

  • Call on the officer to see that the abortion clinic is not only killing children but also using critical medical supplies for elective surgeries.

If you are ordered to leave:

  • Get the name and badge number of the officer(s).

  • Turn on your phone recorder – if you have not already – and tell the officer you want to record the order to leave.  Restate the order for the video. “So you are ordering me to leave or you will cite or arrest me. Is that correct?” Yes.  “Even though I am social distancing, correct?”

  • At this point it is up to you and your personal conviction.  We recommend leaving, then contact us and we will have our attorneys reach out to your city, county or state police departments with a cease and desist letter.

Be wise as serpents yet gentle as doves.  Now, go live out your faith on the streets of America and rescue those unjustly sentenced to death!  #CovidChallenge