Outreach: "That's My Baby!"

Outreach: "That's My Baby!"

Out of the crowd, came one small voice: "Do you have one...like, 8 weeks old?" 

It was a girl, hovering, totally intent on the different-sized babies, one hand touching her navel. 


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Respect Life? Act Like It! Opportunities Abound

Respect Life? Act Like It! Opportunities Abound

Let's start out at the base, and same some life! We're survivors of the holocaust of abortion, and we do not want the next generation to suffer the same violence we have. 

Check out a whole list of how you  can educate your community to respect life in its most vulnerable form this month: the babies murdered by abortion.

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URGENT ACTION NEEDED: #ABQ Tries to Short-Circuit Justice, Deny Voters Chance to Ban Late-Term Abortion!


Activist City Councilor in Albuquerque, Trudy Jones, calls the 20 Week Abortion Ban up for vote in November "unconstitutional" -- and she has introduced a resolution to kill it before it reaches the ballot! 

Contact council members, or if you're in state, October 9, WEDNESDAY at 5pm, come to the meeting and register to speak in opposition to the Jones's underhanded attempt to deny Albuquerque the democratic right to vote to protect its women and children!

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From the Trenches: A Separate Peace

From the Trenches: A Separate Peace

I asked myself, “How many miles away is the nearest abortion mill?” and just like that reality reared its head.

If I want to see a world without abortion then I need to do something.



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