"I could never do foster care. It would break my heart to have to give the kids back."

"I could never do foster care. It would break my heart to have to give the kids back."

Well-meaning people have said this to me without realizing the full implications. Many of them are spiritually mature, faithful Christians, and yet they have placed their own feelings over the needs of a child. Even worse, they have unwittingly refused the incredible gift of the power of Christ working through them to His glory for the sake of the least of these.  I'm sure they have other practical reasons not to foster, but when that's the first one blurted out, it's hard to ignore the sentiment.

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Don't Miss the National #ProtestPP tomorrow!

Don't Miss the National #ProtestPP tomorrow!

**Special Announcement: Early Bird Protest prior to the national ProtestPP in Riverside. The Resistance will boldly confront Planned Parenthood at 7:30 a.m. This will be an exciting time as The Resistance loudly exposes Planned Parenthood giving PP a taste of righteous indignation.  This is The Resistance -- Loud and Confrontational.  Be sure to join us at 7:30, and stay for the national protest at 9 am.**

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